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Hi, I'm Jill. A full-time working mom of 4.

After the horrors of October 7th, I wondered how and if I could ever make a difference from the other side of the world.
And then it dawned on me... My unwavering love for the State of Israel and making jewelry can go hand in hand!

Idle Hands Jewelry Co. is the convergence of these two passions.




That's what we are here to celebrate!


Therefore, $18 from every piece of jewelry gets 100% matched ($36) and donated to an Israeli Organization. Past donations have been distributed to ZAKA, Soroka Medical Center, and Magen David Adom!

With each item of jewelry purchased, we are helping the entire country of Israel! Bead by bead - charm by charm!


This isn't a money-making opportunity, but rather a means to give back to the country I love and to the people that are hurting!

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